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SUBMITTED BY: Jake and Mara

My husband, our almost two year old son and I went out to dinner—something we don’t often get to do. It was nice to go out and spend some time together and not have to worry about cooking, cleaning up, etc.

Our son is very cute…at least in my opinion…but also tends to like to get the attention of those around us!! He does pretty well for his age and hopefully didn’t disturb too many people!


We were just about done eating and our server came to our table and told us that someone had paid for our dinner.

We were shocked.

There was no one that we had recognized in the restaurant and we were really taken back that someone would pay for a meal for a family they most likely didn’t even know.

We would love to say thank you to this couple (the server said it was two people) and let them know that there generosity is appreciated and heartfelt.

We hope to return the favor someday to someone else. So to whoever you are……thank you from the very grateful family!